X-Ray Radiographs

Dental X-ray Services in Rockport, TX- 76426

Allwyn’s dentists make the most of the latest diagnostic equipment to enhance the accuracy of dental assessments. With optimum use of x-ray technology we find out the underlying problems that could otherwise become extremely serious. Our dentists ensure that this diagnostic technique is used safely and in an efficient environment. We make sure that not only patients but staff members are also safe from radiation.

Count on the Best Dentists in Rockport, TX

Dentists at Allwyn Dental utilize dental X-rays to-

  • Identify cracks in dental fillings and tooth decay.
  • Detect any cavity or tartar build-up.
  • Identify tooth decay below the gum line.
  • Any abnormalities such as lymphoma, oral cancer or cysts.
  • Detect root infection or nerve damages.
  • Evaluating extent of bone loss arising due to gum disease.
X-Ray Radiographs

Dental X-rays are low risk; nonetheless our dentists in Rockport, TX- 76426 promote a safe and result-oriented dental environment. We follow the best and safe practices that comply with strict guidelines.

Contact Allwyn Dental to know more about x-ray diagnosis and treatment offered by our dentists.

Are you looking for an expert dentist near you? Feel free to visit our dental clinic in Rockport, TX or give us a call to schedule an appointment.

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